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How Adults can Participate

How Adults can Participate


Do you have a few hours a month to give? Are you able to help drive cadets to an event? Can you spare some time to monitor cadets during one of our weekend activities? Then consider joining as a sponsor member. Sponsor members volunteer at their leisure with chaperoning on trips, being a second adult at our events, driving our van to activities, or assisting in their area of expertise by doing a presentation or assisting with a project. You can be a sponsor member if you are a parent or grand-parent of a cadet.



Would you like to do more? Would you like to have responsibilities and be assigned a duty within our unit? Here are the areas you can help with:

Emergency Services – Plan & Assist our ground team training involving all search and rescue tasks

Cadet Programs – Plan activities in and out of the unit, assist with uniform, color guard, or drill for cadets, assist with executing physical training and milestone testing, teach leadership lessons

Aerospace/Aviation – Assist with aerospace projects or other STEM-related projects, run rocketry the program, assist with recruiting teachers for our aerospace educator’s program. Be familiar with aviation or be a pilot or CFI

Public affairs – Write articles, take pictures, update social media regularly, promote the unit

IT experience - Assist with "CyberPatriot" which involves Cisco and Linux coding, and help with the unit’s website

Administration/Personnel – Log program requirements, create & update member’s files, apply for member’s award, and keep track & replenish forms as needed

Transportation/Logistics – Maintain our unit’s van, turn in a report every month, and assist in any transfers

Communications – Maintain unit’s radios and communication’s assets, assist with teaching members about radio use and etiquette

Medical – Assist with keeping members safe, maintain first aid supplies, assist with teaching safety and teaching member’s safety whether physical or mental, assist with first aid training

Finance – Review unit’s internal controls, assist with grants/donations/fundraising, be a part of the finance committee

Character Development – Teach the CDI program, be a chaplain or ministerial student, be an advisor to the commander

Professional development – Develop and maintain a program for senior members to progress through the CAP program for promotion and continuing education.

Recruiting & Retention – Assist with open houses, assist with recruiting cadets & seniors, and develop a retention program

Senior members have more responsibility by being assigned a duty in the squadron and can be any adult over 18.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for more information.



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